Dashboard for device agent

Hello , i have installed the nodered dashboard on my device through the device agent , but somehow im not able to access the dashboard of my device ? is it supposed to be like this ? because i dont have any instances running , just the device are linked to the applications where the applications dont have any running nodered instances , when i try to access the dashboard it direct me to this link here https://app.flowfuse.com/ui but it shows 404 not found

Hi @annas_dzik - when you run the Device through FlowFuse you can develop the flows directly through the Device Editor that we make available in FlowFuse, when it runs in “Developer Mode”. This does however only make the Editor available, not the Dashboard.

In order to access any Dashboards, you would need to access the device directly, i.e. via IP Address, or, if you’ve made it internet accessible, whichever address you’ve made it available through.

I see thank you @joepavitt , im able to access the dashboard using


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