Hi , im trying to display the default device environment variables on my edge device editor through flowfuse but nothing shows up ? it even shows this error ? any ideas why ?
I also tried to put my own environment variable on the device settings tab and nothing happens , i also cant seem to find the environment variable directory on my edge device , care to help me ?
The process object is not exposed in Node-RED. To access environment variables you need to use the env.get('ENV_VAR_NAME') as mentioned in the Node-RED docs here:
Hi thank you for the quick reply Ben , im quite new to this so i hope you can bear with me for a little while
Regarding the “environment variable directory” , im sorry i thought that there will be a file in the project folder where it states all the environment variable in there … but its okay , i finally able to output the env variables based on this link here
but may i know why my custom env variables not showing anything ? it just shows empty strings ? but the FF default env it shows ? am i doing it wrong , i already added the env variables through the device settings tab