High CPU utilization and Chrome browser tab crashing

Has anyone run across a Chrome browser tab crashing with an instance based on the following versions? I believe it’s version related because I have two other instances that don’t run high CPU utilization like this one does.

Node-RED Version 3.1.3
Launcher Version 1.14.0
Node.js Version 18.19.0

I’m planning on downgrading to the versions of the other instances I have unless someone knows that a later version resolves the issue.

Not seen any of this.

Can you list what nodes and plugins you have installed into the base stack?
Do you see the same if you run on the same Node-RED version running outside FF?

All the default FF plugins/additions should all be on the runtime side not the editor (browser) side with the exception of the theme (which should just be CSS values).

Thanks, Ben.

The only non-standard nodes I have installed are:

I have those same nodes installed on my other instances as well. Also, the flows are similar in nature between instances.

I went ahead and downgraded the instance this morning, but that did not seem to resolve the issue with high CPU utilization in the Chrome browser tab. So it does seem the issue may be with one of the specific flows on this instance.

I have not installed the flow on a separate NR instance outside of FF. I won’t be able to try that for the next few days.

Any other ideas are welcome - the note about plugins was helpful.

Additional information:

2 older instances created on flowforge.cloud do not have this issue.
2 newer instances created on flowfuse.cloud have the issue and crash a few times a day. Possibly helpful?

Hi @grodgers

There was a recently-fixed bug in the nrlint plugin that could cause this symptom if a Function node included a very specific set of characters.

In the FlowFuse dashboard for your instance, head to the settings tab and then the palette section in the side-menu. That page includes a list of the modules installed in your instance - where you should see nrlint listed.

Edit the entry and set the version to ~1.2.0 and click the save settings button at the bottom. Then restart Node-RED. This will ensure you get the fixed version of nrlint installed.

Let me know if this improves things for you.


Thank you! That seems to have resolved the issue, at least in terms of the noticeably high CPU. Hopefully, that translates to the browser tab not crashing as well.

Great - glad that worked for you. That will solve the tab crash as well.

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