Deploy failure in FlowFuse

Is this a flow specific or installation/OS related?
sometimes I get a popup to leave site and when selected ‘Cancel’

and sometimes it self reloads :man_shrugging:

We are going to need more details here.

  1. Is this a self hosted instance of FlowFuse or FlowFuse Cloud?
  2. Are you leaving the the editor open for long periods of time without deploying changes?
  3. What do the Node-RED logs for the instance show?
  4. What do the Audit logs show?
  • self hosted
  • Not long but short while making changes
  • Node-RED logs :point_down:
    3/28/2024 10:32:04 AM [system] Node-RED health check failed: TimeoutError: Timeout awaiting ‘request’ for 6999ms (
    3/28/2024 10:32:11 AM [system] Node-RED health check failed: TimeoutError: Timeout awaiting ‘request’ for 6999ms (
    3/28/2024 10:32:19 AM [system] Node-RED health check failed: TimeoutError: Timeout awaiting ‘request’ for 6999ms (
    3/28/2024 10:32:19 AM [system] Node-RED hang detected.
    3/28/2024 10:32:19 AM [system] Stopping Node-RED
    3/28/2024 10:32:19 AM [system] Node-RED exited rc=null signal=SIGTERM
    3/28/2024 10:32:19 AM [system] Node-RED unexpectedly stopped after: 112s
    3/28/2024 10:32:19 AM [system] Starting Node-RED
  • Audit log says - “Something has gone wrong. Check the instance logs to investigate further.”

What install version are you using? localfs/docker/k8s?

But the logs are pretty clear, Node-RED hang detected. and Stopping Node-RED

The FlowFuse system has flagged Node-RED as hung because it has not responded to 5 HTTP requests which are 7 seconds apart, and as such has restarted Node-RED. If it does this multiple times it will end up dropping into Safe Mode (flows loaded but not running).

This means 1 of 2 things.

  1. You have a bad node/function in your flow that is stuck in a tight loop
  2. You have restricted the stack CPU to the point where your flow won’t run

hmm … started happening when OMRON fins node is injected every second to get payload but throws a connection error may have caused this.