Trying to add script to a the ui-template widget to add behaviour the widget.
Does not seem to work.
example script:
export default {
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
Trying to add script to a the ui-template widget to add behaviour the widget.
Does not seem to work.
example script:
export default {
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
Hi! Thanak for trying this out. Unfortunately we dont quite yet support this, but one of the items top on our list to get to.
Hoping it’ll only be a couple of weeks away.
Maybe I’m missing something or not understanding the requirement - can’t we just import the script in the classic HTML way -
e.g. <script src="myscripts.js"></script>
It works on Dashboard 1.0
Yes, you can, but youre creating a Vue component in that script, which Vue has no visibility of, so it just gets loaded as an arbitary JS class/object, that doesn’t get bound to the HTML template.
We have just shipped v0.10.0
which now supports this - docs.